Q&A: Farndledinks

Q: What/who is a Farndledink?

A: The question is not what a Farndledink is, it's when a Farndledink is.

Q: What are you talking about?

A: Farndledinks, of course.

Q: Okay, when is a Farndledink?

A: 1992.

Q: You haven't helped me figure out what a Farndledink is yet.

A: As I said earlier, the question is not what a Farndledink is, its when a Farndledink is.

Q: Can you tell us anything useful about Farndledinks?

A: No.

Q: Can you tell us anything at ALL about Farndledinks?

A: 1992.  You're starting to aggirvate me with all these obvious quesitons.

Q: Should I get a Farndledink?

A: If you had a time machine, then yes.

Q: This is not making any sense.  Will you please say something that makes even a small amount of sense?

A: "Something that makes even a small amount of sense"

Q: Ha ha fricking ha.

***This FAQ session has been terminated due to the expert on Farndledinks being murdered with an axe.  We apologize for any inconvenience it may have caused you, especially if you were the expert on Farndledinks.  Please enjoy this picture of a Farndledink:***

